Meet Renée

My name is Renée Landers and I can tell you from personal experience that there is light in every shadow and hope inside the deepest pain.

Like most people’s lives, my journey has been filled with both love and pain.  On one hand I grew up in a spiritually supportive environment which allowed my gifts to flourish.  On the other hand, I experienced multiple forms of trauma for over 2 decades which had profound impacts on my life. They affected the way I saw myself and others, how I felt others saw me, and how I interacted with the world. I grew up feeling unsafe, unloved, unhappy and alone. I have spent much of my adult life learning to
love, accept and value myself.

As part of my personal healing journey, I took a step back to get a different perspective on my life.  Through the depths of this journey I found not only great pain, I also discovered great wisdom and gifts that started from an early age.

For example, at the age of 3 I was communicating with my dad’s spirit. In elementary school I would pick up on people’s thoughts and feelings. I would share my impressions which often brought hope and peace to my friends; they felt understood and loved. I began reading metaphysical books in middle school and in 8th grade the gift of prophetic dreams emerged, many which came true. In high school I remember knowing when people were lying or holding back, it was like a neon sign for me. It was at this time in my life that I realized I was unique – that not everyone had these gifts or were in touch with them.

This led me into a life-long journey of personal growth on every level.

I have explored the darkness from my past which has only strengthened my special gifts. I realized that the only way out is through. I leaned into
the darkness and pain, explored their effects on me, identified and learned the lessons, and came to see the light on the other side.

This has taken some time and has been well worth it. I discovered in this process that I am worthy, special and needed. (So are you!) It became my passion to share these amazing lessons and skills with others and to help them overcome the darkness and pain in their lives. I started working with clients in 1999 and that grew into a full-time business in 2003.  Since then I have offered 1,000’s of sessions with people all over the world.

My mission in life is to help others reduce or heal the physical, sexual, emotional, mental and spiritual blocks in their lives. I currently have over 50 certifications ranging from spiritual healing to sacred sexuality.

Below is a list of just a few of my qualifications.

  • Master Teacher from a Mayan Lineage
  • Spiritual Healer (from multiple schools and linages)
  • Certified Tantra Educator
  • Certified Sexologist
  • Certified Sex Coach
  • Certified Relationship Coach
  • Certified Cuddle Party Facilitator

I combine these modalities with my natural intuitive and healing abilities to assist conscious seekers in discovering the light inside their darkest moments and the gift that awaits them. By moving through the darkness and truly experiencing your emotions, great healing occurs. I look forward to guiding, supporting and encouraging you through your healing journey.

Are you in a Dark Night of the Soul?

When you’re in a painful situation or relationship, it can feel like a Dark Night of the Soul. And while the pain you feel now seems due to your disconnection ~ from your lover partner, family member or friend ~ its roots are in a deeper place within you. That’s why I feel the first place to start moving toward the light, is with new connections to yourself.

What you find as you reconnect with yourself on a deeper level, is that your relationships immediately improve. I have created a report for you, designed to help you learn easy ways to foster a deeper connection with yourself… and others. I invite you to experiment with these suggestions in your own life, and reach out for a free consultation to explore ways I can support you move back into the light.

Let’s Connect.

These exercises are a great first step to developing deeper connection with yourself and others. And sometimes you need a helping hand to guide you from the darkness you are experiencing to the light that awaits you. I would like to provide that helping hand. That’s why I make a few times in my schedule open each month for a complimentary Discover the Light Session with me. We’ll connect so I can learn more about you and share how I can help you through this difficult time.

The subject matter contained on this website is for general information purposes and is not intended or implied to substitute professional medical advice.   Ms. Landers, although well-versed in her field, is not a medical doctor and is unable to give medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. She does not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from reliance on any information shared on this site.  Although Ms. Landers works diligently to help clients achieve their goals, there is no guarantee.